It's 11:38:12 9 listeners (10 in peak):   Weee! - Copy Paddy Weee! - Copy Paddy

22 | Michel Winogradoff

Has 1 chart hit on RolandRadio. Rate Michel Winogradoff's titles!
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Michel Winogradoff is an actor and music composer from France, known for Intouchables (2011). Composed music, he is one of the musicians of Le Grand Orchestre Du Splendid.
In 1984, he met the founder of Loriciels through a friend and writing the music for Rally 2. He learned the Amstrad CPC BASIC to program his music up to 1992 as the official musician of the company and wrote main of their soundtrack using MIDI hardwares connected on Atari ST.

Some random productions for which Michel Winogradoff wrote the music

3D Fight
Crazy Shot

Jingles Michel Winogradoff did for RolandRadio

We have no jingles of Michel Winogradoff yet. Get in contact and ask to do some!

We have 26 titles of Michel Winogradoff (1 of them is a chart title)

The total playing time of all Michel Winogradoff titles is 00:43:19.
Due to the low total playing time of less than one hour and thirty minutes, no artist-only show is possible yet.

# RRID Rating Last played Artist Title Duration
1 12182
2025-03-13 15:27:12 Michel Winogradoff 3D Fight 00:00:38 582
2 12183
2025-03-09 12:25:45 Michel Winogradoff Bactron 00:01:41 568
3 12184
2025-03-14 13:12:55 Michel Winogradoff Best Of The Best 00:02:46 572
4 12185
2025-03-13 10:25:06 Michel Winogradoff Bob Winner 00:02:06 562
5 12186
2025-03-14 15:30:52 Michel Winogradoff Builderland 00:02:47 570
6 12187
2025-03-14 04:20:32 Michel Winogradoff Bumpy 00:01:17 541
7 12188
2025-03-15 04:54:42 Michel Winogradoff Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy 00:02:27 596
8 11427
2025-03-13 20:20:32 Michel Winogradoff Crazy Shot 00:01:54 525
9 12189
2025-03-08 12:23:21 Michel Winogradoff D.Day 00:01:05 563
10 12190
2025-03-15 10:57:50 Michel Winogradoff Disc 00:02:19 632
11 12191
2025-03-10 20:39:46 Michel Winogradoff Harricana 00:01:22 520
12 12192
2025-03-13 12:26:20 Michel Winogradoff Infernal Runner 00:01:13 533
13 12193
2025-03-09 20:23:30 Michel Winogradoff L'Aigle d'Or Le Retour 00:02:27 540
14 12194
2025-03-05 15:20:22 Michel Winogradoff Mach 3 00:00:31 586
15 12195
2025-03-13 23:51:47 Michel Winogradoff Mission 00:00:53 602
16 12196
2025-03-09 08:35:06 Michel Winogradoff Moon Blaster 00:01:53 528
17 12197
2025-03-14 23:29:27 Michel Winogradoff Out Board 00:02:21 548
18 12198
2025-03-15 03:19:05 Michel Winogradoff Pouvoir 00:00:22 1772
19 12199
2025-03-12 01:16:50 Michel Winogradoff Quadrel 00:02:21 917
20 12200
2025-03-07 15:29:37 Michel Winogradoff Rally 2 00:00:58 532
21 12201
2025-03-13 00:06:09 Michel Winogradoff Skweek (Theme 1) 00:01:29 537
22 12202
2025-03-12 15:20:21 Michel Winogradoff Skweek (Theme 2) 00:01:39 577
23 12203
2025-03-11 00:09:29 Michel Winogradoff Space Racer 00:01:57 556
24 12204
2025-03-12 12:25:35 Michel Winogradoff Star Trap 00:00:43 719
25 12205
2025-03-03 12:33:11 Michel Winogradoff Thunder Burner 00:01:35 654
26 12206
2025-03-12 10:20:11 Michel Winogradoff Turbo Cup 00:02:35 570
Total duration: 00:43:19  
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